Social Justice a Social Cancer

5 10 2011

Throughout our stay in Xavier, we’ve been constantly educated and at the same time exposed to the elements of Social Justice; we always give the “appropriate” resolution to a certain problem, but to no avail never properly execute in reality. If we ask ourselves, ” What are the causes of social injustices,” , we normally respond with an answer  that involves politics and economics. The thought process may be there, but certainly ,action through that process is not present, so information is merely stored at our heads. Therefore, I believe ignorance or inaction is the primary cause on to why Philippines is suffering from social injustices. First of all, what the SM Immersion elicited was the idea of solidarity or to sympathize with our co- workers in an ideal working environment- everything provided was rudimentary ranging from worker’s quarters to salary and aside from this fact, they received acrimony from the customers proving inequality. From an observer’s perspective, I see that wealth or power held by the people of the upper bracket draws the distinction between the two – inequality and yet, the irony there is about our ability to identify the problem (being the gap between the two social classes), but not able to address the issue.  Seemingly, that evanescent solution will slowly be revived as long as we are unceasingly presented with the problem due to our inability to act.



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